Wyee Sewer Project

I am extremely pleased that after many years of campaigning, plans to connect residential homes at Wyee to the main sewer network will be completed in the first few months of 2021.

The State Government announced in 2014 that it had approved plans for the $26 million connection project, marking the end of a long battle by the community and myself.

The project is being funded by Hunter Water and the State Government.

Most of the designing and planning work was finalised in 2017, with affected residents regularly updated via mail, the project’s website and at public meetings. More than 100 people attended the first public update I held in conjunction with Hunter Water at Wyee Hall in late 2016.

You can read more about the project and its progress HERE.

Centrally located near the M1 Pacific Motorway and Main Northern Rail Line, Wyee is on the cusp of significant growth with plans for a large residential subdivision proposed for a site west of the railway station.

Lack of connection to the main sewerage network has been an environmental, health and equity issue for the people of Wyee for many decades. They have had to pay higher fees than residents in sewered parts of Lake Macquarie for inferior pump-out services or on-site treatment plants.

An associated issue is the existence of a ‘paper sub-division’ of about 200 lots in Wyee west, which has grown in an ad-hoc fashion without the provision of basic services. A residential zoning was applied to this area in May 2013 to recognise its potential to support housing should urban services, including sewerage, become available in the future.