Petition Information
The presenting of paper-based petitions is a traditional parliamentary practice which allows people to directly place grievances before the Parliament.
Community groups and individual members of the public can organise and submit paper petitions on issues of importance.
Petitions are presented to the Legislative Assembly (Lower House) by Members of Parliament on sitting days and announced by the Clerk of the House.
Ministers receive a copy of every paper petition pertaining to matters within their areas of responsibility and must respond within 35 days to petitions of more than 500 signatures.
There are procedures and protocols for the preparation and presentation of petitions. The electorate office can assist you in ensuring a petition has the correct form and content.
You can also find information about petitions and the requirements for submitting them on the NSW Parliament website.
Electronic petitions are now also accepted by the NSW Parliament. While these petitions also require 500 signatures for a ministerial response, they require 20,000 signatures to trigger a Parliamentary debate. You can create or sign an ePetition HERE.