$201,000 for flood management in Lake Macquarie
28th October 2019
Member for Lake Macquarie Greg Piper today welcomed State funding of $201,000 to Lake Macquarie City Council for local floodplain management and development of a new flood alert system.
The grant will fund new water level gauges in Stony Creek and Cockle Creek, as well as upgrade predictive flood models for Dora Creek and Lake Macquarie. It will also be used to develop a flood warning system for local residents.
Mr Piper said the grant will help the council better understand and manage local flood levels, as well as flood risk and exposure in the Lake Macquarie electorate.
“I congratulate the council on successfully securing this money to support plans for stages three and four of a flood warning system,” Mr Piper said.
“This project will address a significant gap in Lake Macquarie's flood monitoring system and the capacity to respond to floods.”
The State Government’s Floodplain Management Grants Program funds important projects for local councils to assess flood risk and help reduce flood impacts on their local communities.
In 2019-2020, the grants program provided $7.26 million for 50 projects throughout the State.
Further information and application forms are available here: http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/coasts/Floodgrants.htm