State to spend $1.8m on test wells for lead contamination
21st September 2019
Source: Lakes Mail | By: David Stewart | Posted: September 21, 2019
THE state government will install wells to investigate groundwater quality in areas of Lake Macquarie where black slag was historically dumped.
Environment Minister, Matt Kean, and Member for Lake Macquarie, Greg Piper, announced the project on Friday while meeting local residents and the Boolooroo Action Group.
"Installing the wells to understand the impacts is a key recommendation of the lead expert working group report on managing residual lead contamination in North Lake Macquarie, and will help determine the steps we need to take to protect the community," Mr Kean said.
"The work is being funded from the $1.8 million allocated by the NSW Government to implement the recommendations of the lead expert working group."
Mr Piper said the investigation had strong local support.
"The installation of groundwater wells to better understand the impact of the Pasminco slag and resulting investigations has been endorsed by Lake Macquarie City Council and the Lead Community Reference Group for North Lake Macquarie," he said.
"Council has been closely involved in this project, including approving the exact sites for the groundwater wells."
The groundwater wells are being installed at known slag emplacement sites at.-
- Warners Bay foreshore;
- Marks Oval, Floraville; and
- Belmont Park, Belmont.
Groundwater wells are also being installed for comparisons at a control location on Nords Wharf foreshore, where slag is not present.
"The public are welcome to call the NSW Environment Protection Authority on 131 555 for more information on the project," Mr Kean said.
"Results will be known after wells are sampled over the next 18 months."
Website: Read original story here