Statement regarding Myuna Bay Sport and Recreation Centre
29th March 2019
I’m angered by today’s announcement that Myuna Bay Sport and Recreation Centre will close on Monday. This is a statement I've just provided to local media.
“This is a decision that has been made without any public consultation, and it would appear that it’s been designed to blindside staff, myself and the broader community.
“I had a meeting with representatives of Origin six months ago and was told that a risk analysis review was being undertaken. At that stage, Origin said that while the review was precautionary only, it would fund the relocation of facilities in low-lying parts of the site if they were found to be at risk from a failure of the ash dam wall.
“Origin said this problem would arise only in the event of a 5.9-magnitude earthquake, but the company would carry out work to further strengthen the existing wall to provide greater surety in the event of any catastrophe.
“Almost overnight, the centre is being closed down. Are we going to start closing down every other building or community facility that might be at risk from a 5.9-magnitude earthquake? None of this makes sense.
“What is it that Origin isn’t telling us, and why has the Office of Sport made such a decision when the Government is still in caretaker mode? We should not be losing a valued community facility due to the operational needs of a power station which was built many years after the Sport and Recreation centre was built.
“The community deserves answers and not the betrayal it’s being shown.
“Origin Energy and the Office of Sport need to be honest with the community and tell us why a senior bureaucrat with the Office of Sport thought it was so important to close the centre now while the government is in caretaker mode, and just days before a new Sports Minister is appointed.”