Lake Macquarie groups to share in $330,000 in funding
20th November 2018
Source: Lakes Mail | By: David Stewart | Posted: November 20, 2018
Goal posts will be erected, carpet replaced, a car park repaired, and a pre-school upgraded thanks to a record $330,000 in state government funding to be shared by organisations in the Lake Macquarie electorate.
Independent Lake Macquarie MP Greg Piper this week announced that 21 community, sporting and cultural groups had been awarded grants to improve or construct facilities under the Community Building Partnership scheme.
Mr Piper said this year’s grants total $330,000, a record for the Lake Macquarie electorate under the CBP program.
“Community Building Partnership grants allow local organisations to build or improve facilities for their members and the communities they serve,” Mr Piper said.
“Almost 150 grants totalling more than $3.5 million collectively have been handed out in the Lake Macquarie electorate since the program began in 2009.
“These small projects deliver positive social, environmental and recreational outcomes.”
Among the groups which made successful bids this year are Cricket Southern Lakes which will receive $20,400 for ground infrastructure upgrades, and Teralba Scouts which will refurbish their hall’s kitchen with $15,766.
Awaba Public School’s P&C Association will receive $20,000 for a new playground and shade installation at the school.
And Peter Pan Preschool, in Wangi Wangi, will receive $15,000 for facility upgrades.
Other grant recipients include:
- Coal Point Progress Association, $16,198, for energy efficiency at the hall;
- Lake Macquarie Rugby Union Club, $11,876, for goal posts;
- Morisset and Toronto Meals on Wheels, $5,330, for new carpet;
- Southlakes Men’s Shed Inc, $14,000, for concreting;
- Community Activities Lake Macquarie (CALM) Inc, $20,000, for car park repairs; and
- Lake Macquarie Classic Boat Association, $15,000, for raised boat storage.
Website: Read original story here