Generosity of Lake residents recognised in Parliament
17th October 2018
Source: The Lakes Mail | By: David Stewart | Posted: October 17, 2018
MEMBER for Lake Macquarie Greg Piper has spoken proudly in State Parliament of the generous response from his constituents to drought relief efforts for farmers.
The Independent MP praised Wangi Wangi for its efforts.
“Wangi Wangi is among the many small waterfront communities around Lake Macquarie that never hesitates to dig deep when needed,” Mr Piper said.
He said $9000 was raised by the community at a garage sale hosted by the local Men’s Shed, and a further $30,000 was raised through the ‘Buy a Bale’ event hosted by Hotel Wangi and supported by local businesses including Wangi Workers Club.
Mr Piper also praised truck driver Shane Worrall who took a month off work to help farmers and helped to fill eight semi-trailers with supplies and raise $90,000 in cash and gift cards.
“I know that many Australians are pulling together, as they always do when natural disaster, including drought, hits hard,” Mr piper told Parliament.
“But it is important that we recognise and thank them, even though they are not looking for any recognition.
“There is hardly a school, club, pub or community in Lake Macquarie that has not contributed in some way towards helping those affected by the drought. I am extremely proud to represent those communities in the Parliament, and grateful that I can recognise their efforts in the House.”
Website: Read original story here