Roads department questions 'safety' of transport interchange
26th June 2018
Source: Newcastle Herald | By: Ian Kirkwood | Posted: June 30, 2018
THE state government says public safety is a major reason behind its lack of support for the road bridge at the heart of the Lake Macquarie Transport Interchange.
But Lake Macquarie City Council and the two MPs whose electorates cover the project are still backing the bridge over the main northern rail line linking Pennant Street, Cardiff, with the Glendale shopping centre.
THE state government says public safety is a major reason behind its lack of support for the road bridge at the heart of the Lake Macquarie Transport Interchange.
But Lake Macquarie City Council and the two MPs whose electorates cover the project are still backing the bridge over the main northern rail line linking Pennant Street, Cardiff, with the Glendale shopping centre.
“Rather, the bridge would allow for heavy vehicles to exit or enter the Cardiff Industrial Estate via the new intersection on Main Road taking a huge load off the poorly performing Munibung and Main Road intersection.
“Using the new Stockland Drive/Main Road intersection would reduce amenity and safety impacts through the busy Cardiff corridor.
“Council’s big picture planning is also strong with a more effective road network and most importantly, a major public transport hub supporting residential growth and private investment in the area.
“Unfortunately the state government has been blinkered on the needed investment for areas other than the Newcastle CBD when growing areas such as the greater Glendale area would be good for the region including Newcastle.
“Let’s not panic as we wait for the work on the business case to be completed. Hopefully it will come up with something that will work and can be funded; something that will get ahead of the game in providing needed and sensible infrastructure for the significant and growing population of Lake Macquarie and the region.
“Something that looks like the planned Lake Macquarie Transport Interchange!”
Sonia Hornery: “It seems that the Government is moving the goal posts on this project to suit themselves.
“This plan has been on the drawing board for decades. Why has the Government suddenly identified this as a potential problem?
“There is no question that there are connectivity issues between Cardiff and Glendale. We need them to be addressed to unlock commercial and residential growth in the area.
“The Government has identified improving public transport in the area as part of their plan moving forward. This is good, since public transport in the western suburbs has been in chaos for the last 12 months.”
Lake Macquarie City Council: “Council and the NSW government have viewed the Glendale/Cardiff area as a future economic powerhouse for the Hunter – a catalyst area for jobs, housing and population growth, with modern infrastructure to match.
“Council believes the delivery of the Pennant Street bridge is the missing link that will best meet the public transport and traffic flow challenges of a fast-growing residential and economic hub.
“It is consistent with the NSW government’s Movement and Place framework, which provides for pedestrian-based movement around the Glendale retail precinct and vehicle-based movement to the east that connects Cardiff industrial area to the wider arterial road network via the Pennant Street Bridge.
“Council has conducted detailed analysis of the area to reach its preferred solution. However, we are open to working with the government if it can produce a viable alternative.”