Major upgrade and lifts for Wyee Station
4th June 2018
Source: Newcastle Herald | By: Matt Carr | Posted: June 4, 2018
WYEE train station will receive lifts under a suite of upgrades included in the upcoming state budget, the NSW government has confirmed.
About $133 million is expected to be delivered in the next fiscal year, adding planning for accessibility upgrades at Wyee, Hawkesbury River, Wahroonga, Taree and several other stations.
At least 11 more train stations will now receive upgrades such as new lifts, ramps and footbridges under the Transport Access Program.
“We are committed to making public transport accessible for customers with a disability, less mobile customers or customers using a pram and that is why this budget includes funding to upgrade accessibility to at least 11 more stations across the State,” Ms Berejiklian said.
In March Lake Macquarie MP Greg Piper put the project on a wish list of infrastructure upgrades he hoped to see funded in the June 19 budget.
“This is another fantastic win for the Lake Macquarie community which has campaigned for many years to improve access issues at Wyee Station,” he said.
“Accessibility to the station has been a major deterrent for people wanting or needing to use Wyee Station because a lot of people, especially the aged or mobility impaired, simply can’t use the stairs.
“This announcement is not just a win for the Wyee community but for the many thousands who live in the northern parts of the Central Coast who want to use Wyee Station to travel to work, school, or day trips to Sydney and Newcastle.
“I thank everyone who has supported the campaign, as well the Transport Minister and Premier, and Scot MacDonald who has provided valuable support.”
Transport Minister Andrew Constance said the 173 of the 307 stations on the state’s train network were accessible.
“This means that approximately 90 per cent of customer trips across the network are now accessible,” he said.
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