Have your say on plans for Fishery Point Road intersection
3rd May 2018
Roads and Maritime Services is seeking feedback from the Lake Macquarie community on plans to improve the intersection of Macquarie Street and Fishery Point Road at Morisset.
Member for Lake Macquarie Greg Piper said the NSW Government had allocated $150,000 this financial year to plan for safety and traffic flow improvements at this intersection.
“The RMS proposal includes the installation of traffic lights at the intersection to better manage traffic movements and improve motorist safety, especially for vehicles turning in and out of Fishery Point Road,” Mr Piper said.
“The proposal also includes construction of raised concrete medians and changes to line marking to prevent motorists from crossing to the wrong side of the road.
“Two right-turn lanes are also proposed from Macquarie Street into Fishery Point Road, which requires the removal of some on-street parking on Macquarie Street.
“The planned improvements also involve road widening to provide a second southbound lane on Fishery Point Road between Macquarie and Pulbah streets.”
The community can view the proposal and find more information at rms.nsw.gov.au/haveyoursay/.
Feedback on the proposed improvements will be accepted until Friday May 11 and can be provided by mailing Roads and Maritime Services, Locked Bag 2030 Newcastle 2300.
The RMS will consider all feedback received and keep the community updated as the project progresses.