Invitations sent to Wyee residents
5th March 2018
Source: Lakes Mail | By: David Stewart | Posted: March 5, 2018
Invitations have been sent to all residential landowners at Wyee about the next public meeting on the planned sewer connection project for the town.
The meeting will be held at Wyee Community Hall from 6pm to 8pm on Thursday, March 22.
“Originally announced as a $26-million project, the plan was to sewer the existing 400 residential properties and most businesses along with providing extra capacity for growth of up to 1000 lots,” Lake Macquarie MP Greg Piper said.
“The plan has been expanded to a $36-million project which will not just connect existing residential homes to the network but provide the capacity and groundwork for future residential development.”
The sewer would replace existing septic systems.
Hunter Water said said it was planning for the new sewer system to be available for customer connections by December 2020.
To RSVP for the meeting, phone Mr Piper’s office on 4959 3200.
Website: Read full story