Parliament Wrap Up
15th August 2024

It's been another busy Parliamentary sitting fortnight.
I greeted New Zealand's Prime Minister, Christopher Luxon, upon his arrival at Parliament of NSW.
I received a petition from the 36 Months campaign, signed by 113,000 people calling on the need to increase the social media access age from 13 to 16 amidst a cyber bulling crisis among our young people - and I will be delivering a Private Members Statement about this issue later on tonight.
It was wonderful to meet with representatives from the Country Women's Association, including Deb MacDonald from CWA of NSW Morisset Branch.
I also hosted four private educational tours through Parliament House with volunteers from the Car 2 Home Project, members of the Toronto Lake Macquarie Ladies Probus Club members of the Morisset Ladies Probus and students from Charlton Christian College.
I delivered a Private Members Statement on the need to support Survivor's R Us Incorporated at Cardiff keep their doors open amid a massive rent hike on their premises.
We said farewell to one of Parliament's favourite people Garry, who after nearly 30 years of wonderful service has decided to retire. Many people will have met and been served by Garry when joining me on a tour. He will be dearly missed.
We also had some very cute and cuddly dingo pups visit us on the rooftop garden.