Cockle Creek Station Accessibility Upgrades
22nd June 2024

Today I visited Cockle Creek Train Station with Transport Minister, Jo Haylen MP and Member for Charlestown, Jodie Harrison MP to announce accessibility upgrades funded under the Government’s $800 million Safe and Accessible Transport program.
The design will consider the installation of new lifts, stairs, ramps and footbridges to improve accessibility along with platform resurfacing, tactile ground surface indicators to assist the sight-impaired and increase safety at night.
Accessible car parking, boarding assistance zones, kiss and ride zones, bus stop upgrades, bicycle hoops and upgraded lighting and CCTV to boost station security, will also be reviewed.
Planning will also investigate improvements to surrounding footpaths and ramps.
The design of the upgrade will be tailored to the local area and developed with the community’s suggestions and ideas in mind.
Planning work, including consultation with local stakeholders to better understand the community’s needs, is expected to take 9-12 months to complete. Early consultation with people with disabilities will begin shortly.
These upgrades at Cockle Creek will be a win for people with mobility issues, and every other passenger that uses this station. The improved access and parking will certainly make this station a great option for commuters. I applaud the NSW Government for these much needed improvements.