Local Life-saving Heroes
13th June 2024

Isn't it great when we have some good news to share, and even better, when that news involves a couple of homegrown heroes saving a life.
Recently, Wangi Wangi and Coal Point locals Jed Fatchers and Jayson Field swung into action to bring their mate Geoff Willbrands back from the dead, after he suffered a catastrophic heart attack at Hotel Wangi.
Geoff had no pulse and wasn't breathing when Jayson and Jed arrived at his side, but thanks to their CPR skills, the hotel's AED, a revolutionary App called GoodSAM and a nearby nurse - Geoff is still with us and around to tell me his tale.
Paramedics say without Jayson and Jed's efforts, combined with the AED and GoodSAM App, Geoff would have only had a 2 per-cent chance of survival.
I caught up with the crew while they shared a celebratory beer this week.