The 2023 Aussie Bird Count
16th October 2023

This week 16th - 23rd October you can take part in the Aussie Bird Count 2023 in partnership with BirdLife Australia. Managing and monitoring our native biodiversity is so important, and this is the most relaxed way you can participate in citizen science efforts.
All you have to do is choose your spot, it could be along the shores of Lake Macquarie, the bushland in Cooranbong, or even your own backyard!
Count the Birds for 20 minutes. Quietly observing the birds around you. Take note of their species and the numbers you spot.
Share Your Data: Record your findings using the Aussie Bird Count app or the web form. You can participate as many times as you like during the count period (but much sure each count is 20 minutes).
To download the app and prepare for the count follow the link here.
For information on identifying local birds you can check out Hunter Bird Observers Club here.