Order! Order! I have some news
4th April 2023

Order! Order! I have some news...
I met with the new Premier Chris Minns yesterday and want you to know that he’s offered his support to me taking the role of Speaker in the 58th NSW Parliament.
I will be accepting the endorsement with great honour.
While I aim to provide stability for the Government and the broader Parliament, and bring integrity to the chamber, Lake Macquarie will remain my priority. Premier Minns is aware of that and it’s clear that we will move forward in a fresh spirit of co-operation and respect over the coming term.
The full joint media statement from the Premier and I is below (and the picture is a recent one of me with student leaders from Lake Macquarie High in what is now a more permanent seating arrangement for me!):
The NSW Government has offered to support the Member for Lake Macquarie and Assistant Speaker Greg Piper to be the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly in the 58th Parliament.
The Legislative Assembly will vote for the position on its return in May.
The NSW Government supports having an independent speaker.
The Government will be providing support for Mr Piper to be the Speaker based on merit and his experience.
The Government will put its election mandate to the NSW Parliament and continue its good faith approach to dealing with crossbenchers and independents.
The Government respects the parliament that has been voted in by the people of NSW and will work collaboratively with independents and minor parties in the lower house as it did in Opposition during the last parliamentary term.
Ron Hoenig, Labor Member for Heffron said:
“As Assistant Speaker Mr Piper has shown that he would serve this role capably and with the utmost integrity.
“We believe it is in the best interests of the people of NSW to have both an experienced and independent speaker presiding over the legislative assembly.
“The Government is committed to working with crossbenchers and independents in good faith to deliver for the people of NSW.”
Greg Piper, the Independent Member for Lake Macquarie said:
“I’m honoured to have the support of new Labor Premier Chris Minns for the role of Speaker in the 58th Legislative Assembly.
“As the Premier has said throughout his recent campaign, this is an opportunity for a fresh start in NSW. I agree wholeheartedly.
“Notwithstanding that ours is an adversarial parliamentary system, there is room for considerable improvement in the Chamber and I look forward to working with all members to raise the regard for proceedings in the eyes of the public.
“That said, the Lake Macquarie electorate will remain my priority and I will work hard to justify the enormous vote of confidence the people have placed in me with my recent re-election.
“I thank Premier Minns for his endorsement, and I thank my colleagues on the crossbench for their ongoing support.”