Solar incentives needed for renters and Government housing
19th March 2023

The Government and Labor Opposition have released their energy policies and while both have supportable elements, each has a major flaw in that they largely ignore those people renting or in public housing.
It’s ridiculous that many of the people who can least afford skyrocketing energy costs continue to be ignored by the major parties.
Most renters can’t afford to put a $5000 solar system on the roof and why would they when they’re not likely to realise the long-term return on it, yet they’re the ones faring the worst from high power costs.
While the Coalition and Labor are dishing out incentives for home batteries and charging stations, those who are really struggling with power bills are literally out in the cold.
There must be incentives for landlords to provide cheap, clean and affordable power to their rental properties, and the major parties must start adding solar options to the public housing stock.
Regardless of who wins the election, I won’t be supporting either of them until renters and those in social housing actually get a fair go on cheaper and cleaner energy.