Two important bills passed in final sitting week
17th November 2022

It's the final sitting week of the current Parliament but I got to sign off on two very important pieces of legislation in my role as Assistant Speaker in recent days.
The first is the Port of Newcastle bill. I'm pleased to say that my bill has now been assented by the NSW Governor and is now law. It's a bill I am very proud of because I know it will lead to thousands of jobs and billions of dollars worth of new investment in our region.
The second is a major reform to the way taxpayer money is audited and managed. It sounds boring but it's a major reform which I've been pushing for many years in my capacity as Chair of the Public Accounts Committee. This bill, also known as the 'follow the dollar bill’ will create a better and more transparent system over government grants and allows the Auditor-General to make sure that taxpayers are getting value for their money. That bill passed the lower house late on Tuesday night and got through the upper house at 1.30 this morning.
So it's been another long week, but a very satisfying way to end this term of Parliament! Back to the electorate office tomorrow where there’s plenty more to do.