Port of Newcastle Bill - Update
20th October 2022
“I’m very pleased that the Coalition Government and Labor Opposition are now at the table to find a way forward for the Port of Newcastle.
“Both the Government and the Opposition have shown a willingness to find a solution, with the Opposition proposing amendments to my bill.
“Discussions are ongoing and will likely take a little more time so I’ve agreed to defer debate on the bill until the next sitting week of the Parliament in November. I can assure everyone in my local community and throughout the Hunter and Northern NSW that I remain committed to the bill’s intent, and getting a resolution in November.
“The intent of the bill is not negotiable. We have to unshackle Newcastle and regional NSW from the constraints imposed on the Port of Newcastle. We cannot sit by for the next 43 years in a deal which so significantly disadvantages the Hunter and regional NSW while delivering a monopoly to the operator of Port Botany and Port Kembla, especially when we have $2.4 billion worth of investment in Newcastle and thousands of new jobs at stake.”