Carly Shiels and Luke Marks
11th October 2022
Mr GREG PIPER (Lake Macquarie)—I'd like to acknowledge the fundraising efforts of two of Lake Macquarie's inspiring young residents, Carly Shiels and Luke Marks. Carly from Wangi Wangi and Luke from Speers Point displayed incredible dedication and hard work during their recent trip to Uganda where they worked closely with KAASO school, home to 448 school children and 47 staff. The school, in desperate need of new beds for their students, were extremely lucky to have Carly and Luke coordinate the raising of $19,555 to provide beds that will serve the school for many years to come. Carly and Luke have spent time volunteering in Uganda to support their sponsor child who attends KAASO school by building beds and helping the local community there. The heart and passion shown by these two young people serves as an example to everyone that we can all extend the hand of friendship to help those in greater need than ourselves. The kindness and selflessness shown by Carly and Luke is something they should be immensely proud of, and I am certainly proud to have these two incredible young philanthropists in my electorate.
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