Midday, Wednesday, July 6

Below is an update from
NSW SES Lake Macquarie Unit - my thanks again to all of those volunteers who are working extremely hard in very difficult circumstances.

I Just want to add that I have spoken again to the Minister's office about Lake Macquarie being added to the list of LGAs which are eligible for natural disaster financial assistance. I understand that
Lake Macquarie City Council is also pursuing that. I've been assured that the assessment is under way but we may not have a response until the floodwater has receded and all the damage assessed. We are definitely in the mix, though, and I'll let you know when that decision is made.

Here's the latest update from the SES - please note the warning about strong winds tomorrow.

Our volunteers from NSW SES Lake Macquarie Unit, NSW SES Cooranbong Unit and NSW SES Swansea - Catherine Hill Bay Unit are back out in the community today trying to complete the backlog of Requests For Assistance (RFA) that we received yesterday as the rain fell heavily over the region.

Our crews are working as fast as they can to complete the remaining jobs tasked to them and any new ones that come in today as well.

Our latest weather briefing is that the rain will continue today but will clear up overnight and into tomorrow which will help the levels of water out there in the region to lower. We are expecting some strong winds from tomorrow onwards so please be safe around trees and powerlines when the wind does pick up as the ground is so sodden that they can be blown over by the strong winds.

If you have put in a request with 132 500 and no longer require assistance please call again and advise us so that our volunteers can prioritise assistance to those in need.

Our sandbag collection point is still operating at our unit headquarters at the corner of Fourth Street and Creek Reserve Road, Boolaroo.