It's State Budget day tomorrow and I'm hoping to see a solid investment in some of our main roads and intersections.
I've made a number of submissions to the Government in recent months and have discussed them with the Premier and Treasurer, so they're in no doubt where our priorities are.
Our Budget wish list includes:

a major upgrade of the Speers Point roundabout (pictured) and the intersection of Macquarie and Munibung roads at Cardiff;

funding for the intersection of Crockett Street and Hillsborough Road, release of the Hillsborough Rd masterplan;

a route study for the Main Rd B53 between the M1 at Morisset and Glendale with the focus on relieving choke points at Morisset, Fennell Bay and Argenton;

multi-level commuter parking stations at Morisset, Cardiff and Fassifern stations;

extending the Lead Mitigation Grants Program at Boolaroo.

a new public health facility at Morisset;

the resources needed to open Morisset Police Station 24/7;

major capital works at Toronto, Morisset and Lake Macquarie high schools; and

high street upgrades at Morisset and Boolaroo.