Avondale High School Captains

16th March 2021

Mr GREG PIPER (Lake Macquarie)—It's always wonderful to see young people accept responsibility and become leaders, whether it's within their immediate friendship group, broader school class or indeed the entire school. I would like to congratulate Chanel Boudan and Levi Venegas, and Benjamin Lindsay and Olivia Morton on their recent election as Avondale School's Primary and Secondary school captains. Chanel is known for her valuable insights and creative ideas that add value to her school. She is caring, compassionate and has a conscientious approach to her leadership position. Levi is regarded as caring and inclusive with his peers. He uses humour effectively to build connections and diffuse situations. His academic achievements, thoughtfulness and the respect he shows to both staff and students make him an excellent role model. Benjamin is a creative and compassionate young man who strives to leave a legacy of service and inclusion. His integrity, organisation and people focus make him an excellent leader. Olivia is organised, outgoing and driven to model excellence in all that she does. She is an excellent communicator, courageous and passionate about serving her school community. I'm sure we'll see great things from these four young leaders.

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