A small bit of good comes from road tragedy
10th February 2021

The Government has today introduced new legislation to Parliament which will be known as the Four Angels Law. It follows the horrific incident in Sydney's west last year when a drugged and drunk driver ran over and killed four young children - Antony, Angelina and Sienna Abdallah and their cousin Veronique Sakr - as they walked from home to buy an ice-cream.
The new law will create a combined offence for drivers who have a prescribed amount of alcohol in their system as well as drugs, and the penalties will be severe.
I'm pleased that something good will come from this heartbreaking event, and I'll be supporting the legislation, but while the Parliament can do its bit, it's important to remember that this incident is reflective of the growing drug and alcohol issues we have in the broader community. There has to be a level of responsibility on drivers and in the broader community to do the right thing because new laws alone won't stop these tragedies from happening again.