Myuna: Submission period extended
12th August 2020

?? Wangi-Awaba coal truck update ??
?? Just got word back from the Planning Minister's office - he's agreed to my request to extend the exhibition period and give the local community more time to comment.
?? Thursday's closing date for public submissions has been EXTENDED BY TWO WEEKS TO AUGUST 27.
?? If you missed yesterday's post, Centennial Coal has applied to haul one million tonnes of coal a year by truck between its Myuna colliery at Wangi and a mixing plant at Awaba by public road. This will put 31,250 trucks a year on Wangi Road and, in my opinion, create a highly dangerous intersection where Wangi Rd meets the old Wangi Point Road.
?? Please make your voice heard by making a submission to NSW Planning on the link below.
?? You can read Centennial's application here.
?? You can make a submission here.