$4.7m extension of Munibung Road now open
24th April 2020
Source: Newcastle Herald | By: Matt Carr | Posted: April 24, 2020
THE $4.7 million extension of Munibung Road has officially opened to drivers on time and on budget despite the pandemic.
Staff involved in the 820-metre thoroughfare's construction finished a final inspection on Friday, allowing the link between Boolaroo and Cardiff to take its first travellers.
The link, jointly funded by the federal government and Lake Macquarie council, is considered a crucial connection in north-west Lake Macquarie.
Mayor Kay Fraser said the project would help drive growth in the region.
"This is a regionally significant infrastructure project that will unlock business investment, commercial development and housing opportunities, and it was vital this work continued despite COVID-19," Cr Fraser said.
"It has taken a significant amount of work to deliver this project and we acknowledge the Australian government's patience and the support of the NSW government to gain access to the site, allowing the project to proceed.
"I look forward to when things return to normal, and our residents can use this extension to have faster, easier access through northern Lake Macquarie."
State MP Greg Piper said parts of Glendale and Speers Point would soon see traffic relief due to the project.
After years of planning and wrangling, and even getting a Bill through the State Parliament to get things moving, its great to see this project finished, Mr Piper said.
Its going to take a lot of traffic off Main Road at Glendale and The Esplanade at Speers Point, and travel times will be reduced for a lot of people who live and work in that area.
Its also going to be a vital piece of infrastructure for the many developments well see on the old Pasminco site in the future.
Lake Macquarie City Council chief executive Morven Cameron said projects like the extension could boost the region's economy during the pandemic.
Ms Cameron said she was pleased the project had arrived on schedule and on budget despite the crisis.
"Infrastructure projects, such as this help our city continue to move forward, while providing both short-term and long-term jobs at this uncertain time for many people in our community," Ms Cameron said.
Website: Read original story here