
Mel Hall

By Greg Piper
Category: Local Legends

I acknowledge the tremendous work being done in the Lake Macquarie area by Mel Hall. The words "colourful character" get thrown around too often these days when they should be reserved for people like Mel, who brings great joy to many people. Mel, from Teralba, was a panel beater by trade and is now a part-time musician in his retirement, a man of great energy, and young of heart and mind despite being aged in his late seventies. In many parts of Lake Macquarie, Mel is simply known as a treasure who dedicates his days to making people happy. His love of music is a gift he shares with many. With musical friends in tow, Mel regularly entertains the residents of nursing homes and retirement villages, without charge and with a whole lot of love. His music is therapy to many and a welcome friend to many more. Lake Macquarie is a much richer and stronger community for having people like Mel in it. I welcome this opportunity to acknowledge and applaud his and his friends' efforts.