Grant Information
Does your charity, community, sporting, multicultural, arts or not-for-profit organisation need help applying for grants and funding?
There are many funding opportunities for community, sporting and cultural groups available through the NSW and federal governments.
Non-profit organisations and businesses also provide grants for projects, including those which promote sporting and cultural involvement, enhance the environment, address social disadvantage or health issues, encourage business growth, or are in other ways beneficial to the community.
I also host an annual Grants Workshop to assist people with preparing and writing grant applications. It’s ideal for those people on the committees of sporting, cultural and community groups who are unsure about how to do things, or know what funding opportunities are available.
For further information about an upcoming Grants Workshop or to be placed on a list to attend, please contact:
For regular updates on NSW Government Grants and Funding programs, you can visit:
State Departmental websites
• Sport and Recreation
• Boating infrastructure
• Education and Communities
• Seniors
• Youth
• Arts
• ClubsNSW
• Education and Aboriginal
• Multicultural
• Environmental